6 Electrical Hazards Around Your Home That You Should Take Note Of

6 Electrical Hazards Around Your Home That You Should Take Note Of

What electrical hazards around your house should you be taking note of?

  • Curious children
  • Misused extension cords
  • Large appliances (after experiencing abnormal electrical surges)
  • Outdated wiring
  • Covered electrical cords and wiring
  • Overheating light bulbs


One of the first things you need to do to acquire a safe home is to get all of your electronic needs from a trusted electrical company in the Philippines. Finding them could be tricky. But there are signs that you can always look for. For instance, you can check out the testimonials left by satisfied customers on their website. Better yet, look for products that have been properly tested and certified.

The next thing you need to do is maintain the good condition of these products. Unless they could withstand water (such as GFCI outlets), don’t place them in areas that are prone to moisture. But you probably already know this, together with a handful of tips that you need to follow when it comes to these electronic devices.

However, there might be a couple of things that you overlooked that you definitely must take note of. Continuously ignoring these things could lead to serious accidents. To help you out, we named some of these items below.

Curious children

Curious children

Children are naturally curious. There’s only so much that parents can do about this. However, this doesn’t mean that you could no longer educate them about the risks of playing with electricity.

Use their curiousness into opportunities for you to teach them how to properly handle electronic devices, if they must. As much as possible, encourage them to always seek a grown up’s help when handling them.

If you have smaller children, it’s better to store all of your electrical devices into hard to reach places. By doing so, you won’t worry that they’ll end up playing with them.


Misused extension cords

In the Philippines, extension cords are a great addition to your house especially if you often need extra outlets. They also come in handy during times when you need to use an appliance outside of your house. However, they could pose as an electrical hazard if they are misused.

Some homeowners like maximizing their extension cords. They would plug in as many devices as they can into the cords. But this could actually lead them to malfunction which could, later on, cause a fire. Although you can use all the plugs in your cords, you shouldn’t do it for a prolonged time. Remember, extension cords are not a permanent substitute for power sockets.

Large appliances (after experiencing abnormal electrical surges)

Large appliances (after experiencing abnormal electrical surges)

On their own, appliances are not really a threat. However, when an electrical surge happens, they may become extremely dangerous. When the voltage of a certain electrical current fluctuates to abnormal levels, it can greatly affect your appliances, sometimes causing them to shut down. Other times, they overload and become a threat to anyone who touches them.

To prevent this from happening, invest in an Automatic Voltage Regulator; it will help protect your appliances. AVRs ensure that your appliances will receive the accurate amount of voltage, whether or not there is a fluctuating electricity flow.


Outdated wiring

If you’re living in an old house, you should probably check the wirings—even if you just recently bought it and even if the seller told you they updated all of them. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Outdated wirings are essentially looming hazards found inside your walls.

When you are living in such a house, it would be best for you to contact an electrician from an electrical company in the Philippines to update the wiring around your house as soon as possible!


Covered electrical cords and wiring

You don’t necessarily need to cover up your cords and wiring to hide them. In fact, it’s better if you don’t cover them because in some cases, extension cords in the Philippines and in other countries tend to heat up or worse, overheat. When left unattended this can lead to an electrical fire.

When thinking about the layout of a room, always provide some sort of ventilation for your appliances, cords, and wirings. By giving them some space to breathe, you won’t have to worry too much about them overheating.

Overheating light bulbs

Overheating light bulbs

These sources of light aren’t usually considered as a hazard. It is incredibly useful in almost every part of your home. However, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t pose a threat. Remember, it not only generates light but also heat. This means that if you placed them near flammable objects, they could end up starting a fire.

In addition, watch out for light bulbs with the wrong wattage because they also have a tendency to overheat.


Key Takeaway

Getting electrical devices from a trusted electrical company in the Philippines—such as Meiji—is one of the first steps you can take to ensure you have a safe home. The next part, which is the maintenance of these products, should then be prioritized.

Listed above are some of the things that you may be overlooking in your house that you should be taking notes to avoid any potential accidents from happening.

Importance of Installing Voltage Protector for Your Appliances

Importance of Installing Voltage Protector for Your Appliances

What makes voltage protectors so important?

  1. Voltage protectors ensure your appliances will not experience over- or under-voltage.
  2. Voltage protectors can identify electricity problems.
  3. Voltage protectors provide protection for your homes.


As an electrical company in the Philippines, Meiji Electrics always strive to provide customers with the best electrical items that will ensure a safer home and a happier family. One of our products that continues to offer superb protection is the voltage protector.

It is very similar to the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) because it’s primary function is the same—to protect appliances. In essence, the voltage protector provides the same kind of protection as AVRs in the case of an over- or under-voltage!

Voltage adaptors are mostly composed of single outlet adaptors that have a capacity of 20 amps, 4,440 watts, and 220 volts. They are very small and light, making it easy for you to move them from one location to another.

As a well-known electrical company in Manila, it is Meiji’s duty and responsibility to provide you with products that will satisfy your needs. In this case, voltage protectors are designed to be an affordable solution in preventing your appliances from experiencing electrical surges. Let’s discuss this further below.

Protecting Your Appliances

Protecting Your Appliances

When the voltage exceeds capacity, power will instantly be cut off. Keep in mind that going above (over 265 volts) and below (under 170 volts) the standard voltage rating is quite harmful to your appliances for a number of reasons.

Admittedly, low voltage won’t have too much of an effect on most appliances. But it would make them function slower than usual. However, this could be dangerous for appliances that use motor; examples of these are refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers.

The state of low voltage can cause motors to overheat and ultimately damage the inner workings of the appliance. This can lead to overheating and the eventual burning of the motor. In most cases, this leads to frequent motor repairs—a costly option to an otherwise preventable problem.

High voltages will mean that it will draw more current at the start. Once it reaches a steady state, the current lessens, sometimes normalizes. However, the relatively high starting current can damage the system in many ways.

Appliances, particularly those with motor parts, need to be protected from ever experiencing an over- or under-voltage. Try to be aware of the operating voltage range of your appliances as well as the fluctuations that can happen in your house. Some appliances have a relatively large operating voltage range, which means that they can function even with the normal levels of fluctuation!

Voltage protectors cut off power whenever it detects that voltage levels are enough to be considered as over- or under-voltage, preventing your appliances from functioning with such difficulties.


Identifying Problems in the Electricity Flow

These voltage protectors are designed to stop the flow of electricity when voltage fluctuations go beyond their perceived operating levels. This means that they are capable of identifying whether or not there’s something wrong with the electricity flow within your home or on that particular circuit.

For example, when using a voltage protector for your TV, and it suddenly turns off without any other of your appliances turning off, it might mean that it experienced a sudden drop in voltage levels. Although it has more of an effect on appliances with motors, the case still stands that other appliances are probably experiencing it too, and thus, you might choose to turn them off.

If you have multiple appliances using voltage protectors and only a certain number of them turned off, then that means their circuits are the ones that are experiencing significant fluctuations. It can tell you whether there’s a problem for a specific circuit, your entire house’s electrical system, or in the general electrical grid.

Once you learned the root of the problem, it’s relatively easier to fix! You may report it immediately to a professional electrician from a notable electrical company in the Philippines to resolve the issue.

Protecting Your Home

Protecting Your Home

With your appliances protected from unnecessary voltage fluctuations and now that you have a way of monitoring them through voltage protectors, you’re essentially protecting your home from electrical problems that can lead to serious home damage.

Take note: Your appliances can get damaged, or worse, be set on fire when not protected from certain electrical hazards; over- and under-voltage situations are some of them.

By making sure that your appliances receive the right range of voltage, voltage protectors prevent things such as damage, burning, and maybe even small explosions from happening!


Key Takeaway

For Meiji, an electrical company in Manila, customer safety is a top priority.

The voltage protector is a very small and yet powerful device that ensures that your appliances are safe from any voltage-related problems! Try them out on some of your appliances and see them for yourself!

Creating an Electrical Hazard Free Home

Creating An Electrical Hazard Free Home

What are some suggestions to prevent electrical hazards in your homes?

  • Educate your family members
  • Hire a professional for electrical problems
  • Install GFCIs
  • Childproof your electrical system
  • Pay close attention to your appliances


Electrical companies in the Philippines are always advising their customers to keep their homes safe from any kind of electrical hazard. Electricity is constantly flowing through the walls of your home. If not managed properly, it can be the cause of potential harm to your whole family.

In order to create an environment that is safe from electrical hazards, Meiji – an electrical company in Manila – will be sharing a few insights on how you could prevent them from happening in the premises of your house. Read on to learn more about how you can make your home as safe as possible!

Educate Your Family Members!

Educate Your Family Members!

One of the first things you could to do to practice electrical safety is by teaching your family members (both young and old) about the many hazards that come with electricity. Since it’s something that is always present in your homes, it serves as an omnipresent threat to those who don’t understand it well.

The elderly and children are the most susceptible people in your household who could cause harm to themselves by misusing an electrical outlet or one of your appliances. Be sure to educate them well on how to properly use these items. If you prefer, you could put up a list showcasing some do’s and don’ts. Like this one below.


  1. Dry your hands before plugging an appliance.
  2. Unplug your device after it fully charged.
  3. Keep appliances and devices away from water.
  4. Be careful when unplugging a device.


  1. Never power several appliances with just one extension cord.
  2. Avoid overusing electronics because this may cause them to overheat.
  3. Do not try to fix a broken electrical appliance. Wait for supervision.
  4. Stop using an appliance with broken wires.


Hire a Professional for Problems

When you’re experiencing some kind of electrical problems, always let the professionals do it. Licensed electricians are trained in the installation, repair, and removal of electrical wiring—something that can’t just be a DIY project. Hiring an electrician will also ensure that everything will be done according to electrical safety codes and regulations.

This kind of effort could prevent any injuries from happening. Since professionals are experts in their craft, the risk of them getting hurt drastically decreases compared to when someone with lesser knowledge attempts to fix things.

Install Gfcis

Install GFCIs

Ground fault circuit interrupter or GFCIs are required in places that are more prone to accidents. They will detect current leaks in electrical circuits—something that happens when an electronic device makes contact with water. It will, then, shut the power off which reduces the risks of electrical shocks and burns!

If your home didn’t come with the standard GFCI receptacles, then it would be best for you to get them replaced as soon as possible, particularly in your kitchens and bathrooms!


Childproof Your Electrical System

As mentioned, children are one of the most prone people in your household to electrocution due to their lack of knowledge. It’s nice putting up a do’s and don’ts list for them to always be reminded about what they should and shouldn’t do. But what if your kids still don’t know how to read?

Well, the best thing you could do is to childproof your home. Here are some examples of what you could do:

  • Place rubber coverings on of your sockets so they won’t end up putting their fingers in there out of curiosity.
  • Rearrange your furniture to hide all the wires and cables so they won’t play with them.
  • Try to keep small devices away from them by placing them in hard-to-reach places.

Pay Close Attention To Your Appliances

Pay Close Attention to Your Appliances

Appliances, especially those that are used often, could experience electrical issues. If it is having an issue turning on and off or if it is no longer performing like it used to, then there’s probably something wrong with them.

Prevent malfunctions from happening by unplugging the appliance right away. Don’t use it until a certified electrician from an electrical company in Manila inspects it, declaring whether it needs repairs or not. Wait until he says that it’s safe before using it again!


Key Takeaway

Make your home a safe haven from electrical hazards. Be sure to take note of all the tips listed above so you won’t ever have to worry about the safety of your house and your family.

Electrical Company in the Philippines: Benefits of a Motion-Sensored Home

Electrical Company in the Philippines Benefits of a Motion Sensor'd Home

What are the benefits of a motion-sensored home?

  1. Increased home security
  2. Energy and cost savings
  3. More convenience


Motion sensors are devices that detect any and all kinds of movement in designated spaces. You can get them from many electrical companies in the Philippines and install them in buildings – whether commercial or residential. There are a wide variety of motion sensors available and they are categorized according to the type of technology they use.

The most basic types are active and passive infrared sensors and active and passive ultrasonic sensors. Aside from these four, there are microwave motion sensors, tomographic motion detectors, gesture detectors, and more. All these are capable of detecting the slightest movement but they are utilized in different ways. Although most commonly integrated into alarm systems, it is not unusual for them to be connected to other things such as lighting systems and camera setups.

Out of everyone, homeowners actually stand to gain the most by installing these motion sensors in their home. Passive infrared (PIR) sensors – the type most commonly installed in residential homes and areas – offer lots of benefits and we’ve listed them all in this article!

 Increased Home Security

Increased Home Security

Burglars, vandals, and other criminals love to start their operations at night when everyone is deep in sleep and lights are all turned off. The encompassing darkness gives them an opportunity to do their deeds incognito and avoid detection or identification in the event that something goes wrong. Sometimes, they may even lurk around and wait for you to retire for the night before invading your home.

You can counter this by installing motion sensors around your home and connecting them to your security system (if you have one) or lighting system. The moment an intruder steps foot in a motion-sensored home, alarms will blare and lights will turn on. These things should scare them off enough that they won’t ever dare to come back again.


Energy and Cost Savings

People often turn all outdoor lights and leave some interior ones on to scare off and trick criminals. Even when they’re away from home, they tend to do this in hopes that these people would keep out. This method is actually quite effective but it comes at such a high cost. Energy consumption is increased and so is their energy bill.

On top of this, the lifespan of their light bulbs are cut short and replacements are needed more often which means more expenses. In order to dodge all these unnecessary expenses, you can just install motion sensors in your home. Again, you can connect them to an alarm or lighting system and you come on top either way because they can alert you whenever some unusual movement happens in your home.

There is, however, additional benefits if you connect it to your home’s lighting system. Remember those times when you forgot to turn off the lights and left them running for hours? Well, you can say goodbye to those moments because the lights automatically turn on and off as you enter and leave.

 More Convenience

More Convenience

Convenience may be the smallest benefit that a motion sensor can offer but it can make a world of difference especially if your sensors are part of your lighting system. You won’t ever need to look for switches again and you won’t have to deal with the struggle of turning them on while your hands are full of groceries and other items. Additionally, you won’t have to remind yourself to turn them off as you leave the room because, as mentioned earlier, they do so automatically.

These can all be possible by installing the devices at strategic places in your home. Near the front door is a great example of this as the lights are going to be prompted to turn on as soon as you walk by. You can also install it by your garage door so that it automatically opens and/or closes as you arrive. Hallways are also ideal locations because then they will illuminate the way and allow you to avoid slip and fall accidents and/or deter criminals.

It may not seem like much but you’ll realize just how useful it is once you experience it for yourself. You also have to remember that these sensors can be installed anywhere in your home. If you choose to, you can put one in every room and have all your home lights automated.


Key Takeaway

A motion-sensored home is one that is secure, cost-efficient, and convenient. The benefits may be few but they are really all you need and want from this device. At this point, you may be waiting for us to reveal the disadvantages of doing this, but there actually aren’t any. Any disadvantage that motion sensors came with the years prior have all been removed thanks to the advancement of technology. Now, they only come with these benefits and nothing else.

So if and when you’re ready to install motion sensors in and around your home, make sure to consult an electrical company in the Philippines like Meiji Electric. They sell a wide array of worthwhile motion sensors that are going to fit perfectly in your home. Aside from that, they’d also be able to guide you through the process and install the devices for you. While you can resort to DIY installations, nothing beats the work that is done by experts. These people have years of experience and know where your motion sensors should go in order to provide optimal performance!

An Electrical Company in the Philippines Tells Us the Dos and Don’ts of Using Extension Cords

An Electrical Company in the Philippines Tells Us the Dos and Don’ts of Using Extension Cords

What are the dos and don’ts of using an extension cord?

  1. Do use the right type of extension cord
  2. Do inspect for damage before use
  3. Do place them in safe places
  4. Do buy those with a built-in circuit breaker
  5. Don’t plug them into one another
  6. Don’t overload with several appliances
  7. Don’t put them under rugs and carpets
  8. Don’t use as a substitute for permanent wiring


Extension cords – also known as extension sets – have become such a necessity for households and office spaces that it’s come to the point where it’d be difficult to perform important tasks without them. Useful and convenient as they are, many people aren’t aware of the fact that they pose threats and hazards if they weren’t used properly. Any electrical company in the Philippines would agree with us when we say that extension cord safety is under-prioritized even though it is an equally important aspect of electrical precaution.

When people are asked about electrical devices that could possibly cause electrical hazards, extension cords aren’t among the top answers. Usually, people would mention plugs, outlets, appliances, light fixtures, and such. While it’s great to be wary of these things, it’s important to keep in mind that extension cords pose the same hazards.

Misuse of extension cords has always been one of the top causes of electrical fires around the world. Some may find this bewildering but there are right and wrong ways to use extension cords. We have both listed below, so continue reading to find out more!

 Do Use the Right Type of Extension Cord

Do Use the Right Type of Extension Cord

Extension cords come in a surprisingly wide variety of types that may be difficult for anyone to memorize. The most basic categories are light-duty, medium-duty, heavy-duty, indoor, and outdoor.

Some are also assigned a certain letter that shows what they can and should be used for. An extension cord that is labeled ‘S’ means that it is a general-use cord for indoor spaces, while ‘W’ means it is for the outdoors.

You can find information like this on the packaging, so make sure to check for those and match the description to the intended use.


Do Inspect for Damage Before Use

Much like what you would do for any electrical device, make it a habit to inspect the extension cord for damage before you plug them in.

Check the plug, the cord, and the actual body of the device for anything that could disrupt the flow of electricity whether that’s small food crumbs, dirt, or physical damage. Even if the cord is newly-purchased, you should still do a quick inspection to be extra safe.


Do Place them in Safe Places

Always place your extension cords somewhere you can see them so that you’d immediately be able to notice any signs of damage. It’s also ideal for them to be placed in low-traffic spaces so that people don’t accidentally trip on them. More importantly, avoid placing them in areas where water is a threat (e.g. kitchen and bathroom).


Do Buy Those with A Built-In Circuit Breaker

If used properly, extension cords should not pose any kind of threat to you and your family. But in order to get that extra layer of protection, you should buy ones that come with a built-in circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is incorporated into the cord in order to protect your home and appliances from the dangers of electrical shorts and faults.

 Don’t Plug Them into One Another

Don’t Plug Them into One Another

Never plug extension cords into one another to extend their reach. Many people are guilty of this and we highly suggest that you stop this practice because it’s not safe for you or your devices.

When you connect an extension cord to another, the electrical current and gauge flowing through are reduced. This means that the devices plugged in are going to receive insufficient voltage and this can possibly shorten their life. If the length of the cord isn’t sufficient, then we suggest you purchase a longer one instead.


Don’t Overload with Several Appliances

It’s easy to overload an extension cord because they often come with three or four plug outlets. However, keep in mind that every cord was made to withstand a certain load and it is important to stay within the limits. Exceeding this recommended load is going to lead to power surges that may cause electrical hazards and damage your devices.

In order to avoid this, you should know the amperage and wattage of the appliances you intend to plug in; make sure the overall sum is within the load capacity of the extension cord.


Don’t Put Them Under Rugs and Carpets

People love to hide their extension cords under rugs and carpets to keep them from being eyesores but we are strongly against this. Placing them under a rug, carpet, sofa or bed prevents them from releasing their heat which can lead to overheating, electrical fire, or both.

When you hide them, you might not be able to spot trouble before they could happen. Also, people are more likely to step on them, causing them possible injuries.

 Don’t Use as Substitute for Permanent Wiring

Don’t Use as Substitute for Permanent Wiring

Extension cords are only supposed to be temporary solutions for your wiring problems and should never be a permanent addition to the electrical system of your household or office. Continuous use is guaranteed to deteriorate the parts of the cord, opening up opportunities for dangerous electrical shocks and fires. If you have an extension cord that is plugged in a wall outlet 24/7, then you may want to consider having your home or office rewired or moving your appliances around.


Key Takeaway

As one of the leading electrical companies in the Philippines, we highly advise Filipinos to practice extension cord safety. The guidelines posted above should help you determine what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to extension cords. Educate yourself so you can be assured of your safety at home or in the office.

Meiji Electric Philippines offers a wide range of extension cords. You can view them here. You can also check out our longer types by viewing these:  1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308.

Meiji Electric Christmas Items Introduction for “Ber” Months


What Christmas items from Meiji can you use to decorate your home and celebrate the festive season?

  1. Fiber optic Christmas trees
  2. Miniature Christmas villages
  3. Electric-powered snow domes
  4. Color changing LED snowman
  5. Additional Christmas decorations


As the leading electrical company in the Philippines, let us be the first to wish you Happy Holidays! Now, some may see this as an overly advanced greeting but we’re sure those in the Philippines will understand!

For Filipinos, the 1st of September isn’t just the start of the 9th month of the year, it’s actually the beginning of a long and joy-filled Christmas season. Weird as it may be to some – most especially to foreigners visiting the country – but it isn’t unusual to find streets, offices, and homes adorned with Christmas décor the moment September comes around. Radios and music stations also start to blast out Christmas songs and carols for the people to sing along to.

These things, particularly the Christmas décor part, last well past New Year’s Eve and are sometimes retained until Chinese New Year. Least to say that the Philippines has the longest holiday season in the world. It’s not just a month- or week-long celebration but a four-long one that spans from the months of September to December, which locals happily call the “Ber Months.”

Greetings and explanations aside, however, we would also like to remind you that the season is when electrical accidents, such as fire and electrocution happen most often, and mostly due to the use of defective and unsafe electrical wiring in Christmas decorations. In order to not have your fun holidays turned upside down by such accidents, we suggest you stick with décor from Meiji Philippines. We have several selections of Christmas items and you may find the following categories below.


Fiber Optic Christmas Trees

Anybody would agree that Christmas is never complete without a fully-lighted and generously decorated Christmas tree. At the same time, they would also say that putting up one and decorating it with lights and small decorative pieces is a demanding job. While some families make it a tradition to decorate the tree together, some just don’t have the time to. On top of that, the combination of Christmas lights and trees is actually hazardous. With Meiji’s fiber optic Christmas trees, however, there won’t be any need to worry about such things.

Our Christmas trees are easy to set up and are also safe to use. All you have to do after purchase is prop them up, plug them in, and watch as the fiber optic lights with LED twinkle and brighten up your home. Also, our Christmas trees now include decors so you don’t have to buy your own and risk starting a house fire because of them.

Also, unlike normal Christmas lights, fiber optics don’t heat up at all, which means there is no risk of fires. These fiber optic Christmas trees come in a variety of sizes and designs, so you can easily get one that matches and fits in your home interior.

Miniature Christmas Villages 

Miniature Christmas Villages

Next up on our list of Christmas items are the miniature Christmas villages that come with jovial holiday music and fiber optic lights. These decorative pieces depict small villages that are beautifully covered in snow and Christmas lighting. There are even models that have Santa and his reindeers passing through or large Christmas trees topped with the Christmas star—which by the way moves and plays their own music.

The aesthetic appeal of these villages truly never goes out of style so they can be used every holiday season. This 2018, we also added wooden villages to our collection. Additionally, similar to our fiber optic Christmas tree, they’re energy efficient items that you can leave on, although we would highly suggest not to leave them the entire night. Of course, you have the choice of turning the music on or off, depending on what mood you’re trying to set.

If you want to achieve a simple but elegant touch, then these are definitely the way to go!


Electric-Powered Snow Domes

Everyone dreams of celebrating a white Christmas and although our electric-powered snow domes can’t give you that, they can serve as a wonderful inspiration to achieve your dreams. If, on the other hand, you’ve already experienced snow and Christmas on the same day, then this piece is sure to take you back to that wonderful time in your life.

Our snow domes are far from traditional and you don’t need to shake them constantly for the snow to fall. These are electric-powered snow domes that you only need to plug in for the magic to happen. Aside from watching the mesmerizing and beautiful descent of snow, you can also listen to festive melodies as you power it on.

The best part is that they light up so you can see them clearly in the evening. During these moments, you’ll find that they depict a different yet more heart-tugging image than when you look at them with all the lights on. After all, the most beautiful things shine the brightest in the dark.

 Color Changing LED Snowman

Color Changing LED Snowman

We have another equally stunning and festive Christmas décor called the color changing LED snowman. The snowman is yet another iconic figure for the holiday season and a must-have in your home.

While the normal snowman is made from snow, stones, branches, and a carrot, ours has a beautiful crystal body that is made complete with plastic pieces. On top of that and to keep the poor creature warm during the cold season, we’ve even fitted the snowman with a scarf and a hat.

There are 12 snowmen available in our shops and all of them light up from within. Not only that, they’re colors also change and cycle between red, green, and blue. These pieces go best atop desks and tables but you can place them wherever you want.

Additional Christmas Decorations 

Additional Christmas Decorations

Meiji offers a lot more than just Christmas trees, miniature villages, snow domes, and snowmen. We also have other Christmas items such as decorative gift boxes that are equipped with LED lights. You can use them as centerpieces or place them under your Meiji LED fiber optic tree alongside any real gifts that you may receive. They come in three different sizes, namely small, medium, and large, and three different designs to fit your aesthetic needs.

There are also miniature Christmas rides such as carousels and Ferris wheels that are completely functional and spin around when plugged in. Much like the miniature villages, they light up and play Christmas tunes. These are perfect for decorating your child’s room as they’re sure to fascinate and bring them joy as they gaze upon them.

There are more items in our catalog of products and all of them are sure to be great additions to your Christmas decor collection!


Key Takeaway

If you’re looking to fill your house with Christmas decorations to feel the holiday spirit, then we suggest that you look at products from a top electrical company in the Philippines like Meiji! Our exquisite and elegant pieces are sure to add a lot of beauty to your home without the addition of electrical hazards.

Although the Christmas spirit does not depend on the number of decorations you have, they certainly help in making you feel and spread that Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

For more information, you may call 413-0600, 351-1902, and 351-1710 or email us at appletipps.meiji@gmail.com. You can also visit our Christmas showroom at Apple Tipps located at Unit 15 Landsdale Arcade, 86 Mother Ignacia Ave., Quezon City (Across St. Paul Church). Meiji Christmas items are also available at selected SM Department Stores nationwide.

Explaining the Purpose of MCB, RCCB, and RCBO Devices from a Philippine Electrical Company’s Standpoint

Explaining the Purpose of MCB, RCCB, and RCBO Devices from a Philippine Electrical Company’s Standpoint

What’s the main purpose of MCB, RCCB, and RCBO devices?

  1. Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) – provide you with adequate overcurrent and short-circuit protection.
  2. Residual-current circuit breakers (RCCB) – provide protection against residual current or earth fault currents.
  3. Residual-current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection (RCBO) – capable of acting as the only protective device in the circuit.


When you ask an electrical company in the Philippines for a device for your final circuit protection, they’re going to have you choose among three items: MCB, RCCB, and RCBO. This could leave you stunned and confused but that isn’t the end. They could also ask you to choose from a bewildering array of sizes and types which is sure to make your head spin.

Although you could easily get out of the situation by asking them which is the best for your situation, it’s better if you are aware of the purpose of each device. These devices are often used in modern electrical installations and you’re going to have to learn about them at some point, especially if you’re a new property owner who’s preparing to build a new home, so why put that off for later?

In this article, we’re going to identify and explain the purpose of each device. As an electrical company in the Philippines, we have the expert knowledge so stick around to find out more!


Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

Miniature circuit breakers

The most basic circuit protection device among the three is the miniature circuit breaker (MCB). An MCB immediately disconnects a fault current in order to protect cables and equipment that are downstream of the protective device. Its main purpose is to provide you with adequate overcurrent and short-circuit protection.

Overcurrent is when a current load goes beyond the safety rating of an equipment or the ampacity of the conductor. Short-circuit isn’t that different and refers to the excessive flow of current along an unintended path with little to no resistance. These two are electrical hazards that may cause appliance and equipment damage, physical injury, and electrical fires—this is why it is important that they be avoided at all costs.

MCBs are more commonly used as replacements for old fuses and low voltage applications. However, there are times when an MCB is partnered with an RCCB—these two combined offers you more protective characteristics.


Residual-Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)

Residual-current circuit breakers are the complete opposite of MCBs because they only provide protection against residual current or earth fault currents—as in the current flows into the earth. Since they cannot detect nor provide any kind of defense against overcurrent and short-circuits, they are never used alone. Most of the time, they are installed along with MCBs to perfectly satisfy the deficit; however, a fuse could be used, too.

Although different, it offers the same kind of benefits as the MCB which is protection against electrocution and electrical fires (only with better accuracy and efficiency). The reason for this is the fact that earth leakage currents are more likely to cause electrical shocks, faults, and fires while overcurrent or overload mostly damages appliances and equipment.

Again, much like MCBs, these are ideal for domestic and small-scale commercial applications but can still be used for larger applications depending on the type you choose.


Residual-Current Circuit Breaker with Overcurrent Protection (RCBO)

Residual-current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection

If you need or prefer a device that protects you from all three instances—overcurrent, short-circuits, and earth fault currents—then you may want to go with the residual-current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection (RCBO). Unlike the RCCB, the RCBO is used alone and is capable of acting as the only protective device in the circuit.

Out of the three, the RCBO is the most effective and reliable protective device but it does come with its own downsides. One is that there is a very limited number of types available and all of them have non-customizable characteristics or features. Another is that they cost a lot more than the other types but their performance should more than compensate for this. There’s also the fact that they are often larger, therefore, harder to install but that disadvantage is expected to be obsolete once compact RCBOs take off.

Admittedly, the RCBO is more commonplace in commercial buildings. Most real estate developers prefer using RCBOs as it gives them an absolute guarantee that their customers will be kept safe from electrical hazards. Examples of establishments that use RCBOs are Okada Manila and Robinsons McKinley Park Residence—two big names and contenders in the commercial real estate industry.

With that said, an RCBO can also be used in residential establishments and common houses and is actually gaining popularity among homeowners because of its amazing benefits and features.

Meiji Electric Philippines Inc. has a complete line of MCB (Miniature Circuit Breakers) ranging from 6KA (C45N) to 10KA (JVL16-63 & NCH100H) Interrupting Capacities. Our MCB are widely used and can be found in different DIY shops notably ACE HARDWARE, HANDYMAN, CW HOME DEPOT and the like. Our MCB’s are also used in many notable projects such as DE YMAZ Projects, BRIA HOMES, NEW APEC Dev. Corp, BORLAND Dev. Corp, etc. MCB can also be seen in major buildings like INOZA TOWER, FRABELLE II, FRABELLE Corporate Plaza, BELLEVIEW BOHOL BEACH RESORT and many more.

As for RCBO, Okada Manila, as one of the grandest hotel & casino here in the Philippines is using our Meiji‘s RCBO, This proof that Meiji electric is trusted to ensure the safety of electrical devices and circuit of Okada Manila.


Key Takeaway

Over the years, fuses were believed to be the most optimal device for final circuit protection but that changed when circuit breaker technology was introduced sometime during the 1970’s. From then until today, the principle of circuit protection devices has centered on these three devices—MCB, RCCB, and RCBO.

The purpose of these devices is simple and straightforward: they were made to reduce the risk of electrical hazards in the best way possible. The only difference lies in their capacity to do so with the RCBO coming out as the best one!

Reasons You Should Get a Smoke Detector from an Electrical Company in the Philippines

Reasons You Should Get a Smoke Detector from an Electrical Company in the Philippines

Why should you get a smoke detector from an electrical company in the Philippines?

  1. It can decrease the risk of fire damage or loss.
  2. It complies with fire safety laws.
  3. It has advanced features you can take advantage of.
  4. It is durable and functional.


People tend to underestimate the importance of installing a smoke detector, thinking that they’d never have to deal with a fire for the entirety of their lives. While it is possible to never be involved in one, it is nothing but wishful thinking to believe that you are never at risk. Any electrical company in the Philippines would tell you that a smoke detector is an absolute necessity—a claim that is not unfounded.

Fires aren’t just terrifying or scary hazards but are actually devastating and life-threatening. Every single year, they cause billions in damages alone. Casualties include hundreds and thousands of injuries, property damages, and, at worst, death. These are the things that a simple fire is capable of, so we should not take fire safety lightly.

Instead, we need to make it a priority by getting smoke detectors from an electrical company and installing them in every infrastructure. There are many reasons why you should get these safety devices and we’ve listed them all below.


Decrease Risk of Damage or Loss

Most deadly fires occur at night or at a mellow time of the day when occupants are sleeping or immersed in their own activities. As a result, they are unable to resolve the ongoing crisis and the budding fire eventually escalates into a dangerous one. Soon after, it could spread and cause irreparable damage to its surroundings.

Smoke detectors help prevent all this from happening. As soon as the slightest sign of a fire is detected (e.g. smoke), it emits ear-piercing sounds that are sure to get the attention of occupants. This distinct sound alerts them of the fire and gives them ample time to escape and get away from it. They could also possibly control the fire and calm it before it spreads further and causes even more damage.

 Comply with Fire Safety Laws

Comply with Fire Safety Laws

If you are not concerned with your safety and the risk of damage or loss is not enough to convince you to get a couple smoke detectors, then fire safety laws and regulations might just do the trick.

It is stated in the Fire Code of the Philippines that smoke detectors and other kinds of detection systems should be installed at all occupiable areas. Examples of locations under the term are common areas and workspaces where people gather and frequent. All this is made mandatory to ensure the fire safety of each individual as well as to lower the risk of damage and loss – as indicated in the first point.


Take Advantage of Advanced Features

Now that you understand the importance of smoke detectors, we can proceed with discussing why you need to get them from an actual electrical company.

The first one is that smoke detectors from electrical companies often come with advanced features that further increase your safety as well as lower risk of damage. One example of a special feature is a high alarming decibel that every person can hear, making sure that everyone is alerted.

Another is a low-battery alarm that alerts users when a replacement is due. Through these alerts, owners can easily and punctually carry out replacements to guarantee that the smoke detector is always working. These are just examples of possible features a smoke detector can have and there’re certainly a lot more.

 Ensure Durability and Functionality

Ensure Durability and Functionality

Advanced features are great and all but the qualities that a smoke detector must have are durability and functionality.

In truth, almost 90% of infrastructures are fitted with smoke detectors, the only difference between those that are ravaged by fires and those that aren’t is the operationality of their units. Almost 20% of house fires can cause human casualties to happen in homes that have malfunctioning fire alarms.

For this reason, it is crucial that your smoke detectors are of good and high quality – something you can only get from a trusted and reliable electrical company.


Key Takeaway

You should be able to find a smoke detector at a reliable electrical company in the Philippines. Once you do, make sure to purchase a few and install it in the necessary areas of your home. Never trust smoke detectors that you get from some random store or depot because they may break before they even fulfill their purpose. Some may even just be non-operational.

Fire safety is no joke and should not be taken lightly. Many have lost loved ones and properties over undetected fires and you wouldn’t want to be part of those statistics. One of the best ways to avoid this is to install smoke detectors so make sure you do!